Career Coaching

*** This service may not always be available, depending on my availability. ***

Experienced - Specialized in Data and AI.

I offer online career coaching specialized in data analysis, data engineering, and other data and AI-related roles. The difference is that I’ve been through all the steps, from junior data analyst to director of multiple data and AI teams.

So, if you are unfulfilled, burned out, looking to start freelancing, or lost in your career, I’m here to help. If you’re looking for technical help, project management, and business coaching, specifically for data, you’re also at the right place.

My Experience

Check out my LinkedIn.

  • Founder,

  • Freelance Data Analyst | Data Engineer | AI Engineer

  • Director, Data

  • Manager, Data Science & Analytics

  • Senior Data Analyst

  • Reporting Analyst

  • Business Analyst

  • Inventory Analyst

  • Sales representative